Traduction de « à gauche, à droite, tout droit, tournez à gauche, tournez à droite, opposé, en face, arrêt, rond point, croisement, intersection, carrefour » dans toutes les langues
It's on the left : c'est à gauche
It's on the right : c'est à droite
Go straight on : tout droit (va.../allez...)
Turn Left : tourne(z) à gauche
Turn right : tourne(z) à droite
Opposite : opposé, en face
Stop : arrêt
Roundabout : rond-point
Crossroads : croisement, intersection, carrefour
Det er til venstre
Det Er til høyre
Drar rett på
Vender Venstre
Vender til Høyre
Veikryss Omstendelig
It's on the left: То је лево одавде (To je levo odavde)
It's on the right: То је десно одавде (To je desno odavde)
Go straight on: Идите право (Idite pravo)
Turn Left: Скрените лево (Skrenite levo)
Turn right: Скрените десно (Skrenite Desno)
Opposite: Прекопута (Prekoputa)
Stop: Стоп, Стани (Stop, Stani)
Roundabout: Кружни ток (Kružni tok)
Crossroads: Раскрсница (Raskrsnica)
It's on the left: Está à esquerda
It's on the right: Está à direita
Go straight on: Vá à frente
Turn Left: Vire à esquerda
Turn right: Vire à direita
Opposite: Oposto, de outro lado
Stop: Stop, Pare
Roundabout: Rotunda
Crossroads: Cruzamento, intersecção
Finnish (singular/plural)
It's on the left - Se on vasemmalla
It's on the right - Se on oikealla
Go straight on - Mene/Menkää suoraan eteenpäin
Turn Left - Käänny/Kääntykää vasemmalle
Turn right - Käänny/Kääntykää oikealle
Opposite - vastapäätä
Stop - seis
Roundabout - liikenneympyrä
Crossroads - tienristeys, tienhaara
Croatian: singular(plural)
It's on the left = to je na lijevo
It's on the right = to je na desno
Go straight on = idi(te) ravno.
Turn Left = skreni(te) lijevo
Turn right = skreni(te) desno
Opposite = preko, preko puta
Stop = stop, stani(te)
Roundabout = kružni tok
Crossroads = raskrižje, križanje
Basque :
It's on the left = Ezkerrean dago
It's on the right = Eskuinean dago
Go straight on = Zuzen ibili
Turn Left = Ezkerrera hartu
Turn right = Eskuinera hartu
Opposite = aurrean
Stop = Geldi !
Roundabout = zaldiko-maldiko
Crossroads = bidegurutze
It's on the left - to jest na prawo (to yest na pravo)
It's on the right - to jest na lewo (to yest na levo)
Go straight on - prosto
Turn Left - skręć na lewo (skrentch na levo)
Turn right - skręć na prawo (skrentch na levo)
Opposite - na przeciwko (napshetchivko)
Stop - stop
Roundabout - rondo
Crossroads - skrzyżowanie (skshyjovanie)
It's on the left : es liegt/steht links
It's on the right : es liegt/steht rechts
Go straight on : gehe (gehen Sie) / fahre (fahren Sie) geradeaus
Turn Left : biege (biegen Sie) nach links
Turn right : biege (biegen Sie) nach rechts
Opposite : gegenüber
Stop : Halt ! / Haltestelle
Roundabout : Kreisverkehr
Crossroads : Kreuzung
It's on the left è a sinistra
It's on the right è a destra
Go straight on va’ dritto avanti /dritto
Turn Left gira a sinistra
Turn right gira a destra
Opposite opposto/contrario
Stop alto là ! / fermata
Roundabout obliquo / indiretto
Crossroads crocevia / bivio
In Welsh/ en Gallois
It's on the left -> Mae e/hi'n ar y chwith
It's on the right -> Mae e/hi'n ar y dde
Go straight on -> Ewch yn syth yn eich blaen
Turn Left -> Trowch i'r chwith
Turn right -> Trowch i'r dde
Opposite -> gyferbyn â
Stop -> stop (verb: stopio, imperative: stopiwch!)
Roundabout -> cylchfan
Crossroads -> croesffordd
Esperanto :
It's on the left : Tio estas maldekstra.
It's on the right : Tio estas dekstra.
Go straight on : Rekte iru.
Turn Left : Maldekstre turniĝu.
Turn right : Dekstre turniĝu.
Opposite : Kontraŭe
Stop : Halto
Roundabout : Trafikcirklo
Crossroads : Interkruciĝo
It's on the left - E la stânga
It's on the right - E la dreapta
Go straight on - (Tot) înainte
Turn Left - Întoarce la stânga
Turn right - Întoarce la drapta
Opposite - Vizavi / vis-a-vis
Stop - stop / opreşte
Roundabout - Sens giratoriu
Crossroads – Intersecţie
Morbihan Breton:
It's on the left = 'ma ar en tu klei
It's on the right = 'ma ar en tu deheu
Go straight on = kerhet ion-ha-ion
Turn Left = troeit a-glei
Turn right = troeit a-zeheu
Opposite = én tu 'rel
Stop = arrastet
Roundabout = ronpoeñ (?)
Crossroads = kroéz-hent
It's on the left = tá sé ar clí / tá sé ar thaobh na láimhe clí
It's on the right = tá sé ar dheis / tá sé ar thaobh na láimhe deise
Go straight on = gabh go díreach ar aghaidh
Turn Left = tiontó ar clí / cas ar clí
Turn right = tiontó ar dheis / cas ar dheis
Opposite = os coinne
Stop = stad
Roundabout = timpeallán
Crossroads = crosbhealach
Tags : right, turn, left, stop, opposto
2sylvie8454Dimanche 11 Mai 2008 à 17:33Répondre
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